The Ultimate cat

Savannamore Cats

Those of you who know me are aware that for a good few years now I have had a burning ambition to become a small hobby cat breeder.

This ambition started about 10 years ago when I bought my first beloved Bengal breeding queen Sassy. Sadly Sassy developed pyometra on her first heat cycle so babies were not to be but we had 8 great years with her as a much loved family pet until her passing.

After she passed I decided to try again and initially approached a breeder looking for another Bengal. I was persuaded to consider a Savannah (which she also bred). I remember her words distinctly … “once you’ve had a Savannah there is no going back” and she was right…. I was in love!

What amazing, beautiful, fun loving, curious and mischievous cats they are. If you have never owned a Savannah I can only say they enhance your life like no other cat .. they are the dog of the cat world… always wanting to be in the thick of it and involved with everything but also wonderfully affectionate and loving.


Anyone lucky enough to have a kitten from Savannamore will know they are from excellent bloodlines and will have been nurtured in the best possible environment. I am a hobby breeder and believe strongly that you will get better kittens when they have been raised at home with other animals and children.

With the help of my husband Vinnie and my daughter Isabella we aim to produce some of the best F3, F4 and F5 kittens in the UK. I am a TICA member and fully registered as will all my little ones be.

Thanks for looking at my website and if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch – Sonia De Gioia

Is a savannaH CAt right for me?

Savannah cats are a hybrid breed between a domestic Bengal cat and a wild African Serval cat. Created in the US in the mid eighties they werent officialy recognised by TICA until 2012.
The first off spring of this pairing is known as an F1 generation Savannah for which you need a Dangerous Wild Animal Licence. The offpsring of the F1 is called an F2 (for which no licence is required) and the off spring of this an F3 and so on…with each generation having less and less percentage of wild serval. 
Early generation Savannahs are more wild in personality because of the closer proximity to the serval. I currently breed F4 generation kittens from my F3 queens and find these to be a nice balance retaining some wild characteristics to remind me of their heritage but also to be very affectionate loving and tame. 
Savannahs themselves are crazy and energetic bundles of fun. Mad half hours are common with curtains climbed or ornaments at risk! They do need more play time and interaction then your everyday domestic cat and whereas a normal cat can be very independent and aloof I find Savannahs always want to be in the thick of the action, involved and with you much in the same way as my dogs. It is true that many people refer to Savannahs as being the dog of the cat world.
My Savannahs also get on with my dogs really well and often play chase together or curl up asleep together which is common for the breed. They are very sociable and enjoy the company of other cats and dogs. 
Savannahs also love to climb and be at height. Physically their back legs are longer than their front legs and as a breed they are also taller than domestic cats so are able to jump higher and greater distances. Don’t be surprised if your Savannah likes to languish on top of your door frames or on top of your kitchen units! 
They also have a love and fascination of water. Several of my cats race to the bathroom when they hear the toilet flush or a sink turned on.
They are also extremely intelligent so locks on cupboards may be required or even locks on doors! One of my Savannahs is a dab hand at opening doors and breaking into rooms she shouldnt be in and has even mastered the window latches!
Savannahs can be easily trained and many people do indeed train them to walk on a leash so they are able to explore the outside world safely.
If you are interested in owning a Savannah cat please check out my kitten availability page.
Savannah Cats Image 2

Our Queens

Manimar Princess Kiara of Savannamore
Kiara our F3 breeding queen is simply stunning. Those beautiful piercing almond shaped eyes and her unusual fawn coloured coat make her one special cat.
Kiara’s heritage matches her exceptional looks. Mum being Aalspotz Running Wild at Manimar and Dad Aalspotz Dream Catcher of Manimar. Her ancestars are all  from some of the top founder breeders of Savannahs (Gayzette, A1 Savannahs and Aalspotz) and it shows. Kiara is a chunky and huge F3 lady and has produced some fine kittens for us including Savannamore Aziza and the very rare blue Savannamore Jamila whom we have kept to enhance our breeding programme.
Kiara is the most loving and afeectionate girl, very sweet and sensitive and loves nothing more than a big cuddle and tummy rubs and can be very vocal …we have had many conversations together where she seems to answer back to me and join in as though she knows what we are talking about!
She has proven to be an amazing Mum and given a chance would probably still be preening and feeding her babies into adulthood!
Savannahglam Nala of Savannamore
Nala is my first Savannah Queen and came to us from the wonder Jill Fyfe at Savannahglam. Again an F3 she has a lovely wild look about her and personality to match! Nala is most definitely the boss and everything is on her terms.
 She simply adores our dogs Stanley, Boris and Ruby and can often be seen rubbing herself against them affectionately or playing chase around the house with them.  
As with Kiara she comes from some of the best lines in the UK with Mum being Savannahglam Sweet Greta and Dad PureSavannhsGB Zulu of Savannahglam. Interestingly enough both Kiara and Nala share two of the same great grandparents. As with Kiara her pedigree also comes from the same founder Savannah breeders in the U.S

Nala has definitely been one laid back and relaxed Mum and has produced some fine kittens for us.

Savannamore Jamila & Aziza
We are hopeful to start seeing our first litters from Savannamore Jamila & Aziza, affectionately named Lamb & Lettuce by my daughter, during 2022 with the sisters coming up to being a year old shortly. 
We were delighted and shocked at the same time to see our darling Kiara had produced what we thought at first was a silver in Jamila but as you can see she is def a blue. Both of Kiara’s parents were brown spotted so we have yet to discover where this rare gene colour has come from but I am sure you will agree she is simply stunning. She shares the same piercingly beautiful eyes as her Mum and also the sweet sensitive personality. 
Aziza is traditional brown spotted and the larger of the two and is chunky and long like Mum Kiara and incredibly affectionate and purry. She literally doesnt stop chatting to you all day just like her Mum!
I can’t wait to see what future kittens both of these girls produce for us.

Our Stud

Makaevo Simba of Savannamore
What can I say about Simba our F6 stud…..he is a real bruiser, big butch and huge and I dont think i have ever met a more affectionate, silly, and lovable cat with so much personality! If there is an awkward sleeping position to be found Simba will find it with one of his favourites being in our downstairs loo sink. He loves sitting on your shoulders and does have a rather surpsiring habit of launching himself at them from a kitchen unit as you innocently walk past when youre least expecting it! You only have to look at him and he is purring. He has been the ultimate loyal companion to my younger austistic daughter and has provided her with much comfort and many laughs. 
His silver markings and beautiful golden eyes and his big chunky size make him the most perfect stud and he has started to produce some fantastic kittens for us. 

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07935 017673




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We are located in the heart of the countryside near Melton Mowbray – if you are travelling from London by train we can collect you from either Grantham or Loughborough train stations