The Ultimate cat
Savannamore Cats
Those of you who know me are aware that for a good few years now I have had a burning ambition to become a small hobby cat breeder.
This ambition started about 10 years ago when I bought my first beloved Bengal breeding queen Sassy. Sadly Sassy developed pyometra on her first heat cycle so babies were not to be but we had 8 great years with her as a much loved family pet until her passing.
After she passed I decided to try again and initially approached a breeder looking for another Bengal. I was persuaded to consider a Savannah (which she also bred). I remember her words distinctly … “once you’ve had a Savannah there is no going back” and she was right…. I was in love!
What amazing, beautiful, fun loving, curious and mischievous cats they are. If you have never owned a Savannah I can only say they enhance your life like no other cat .. they are the dog of the cat world… always wanting to be in the thick of it and involved with everything but also wonderfully affectionate and loving.
Anyone lucky enough to have a kitten from Savannamore will know they are from excellent bloodlines and will have been nurtured in the best possible environment. I am a hobby breeder and believe strongly that you will get better kittens when they have been raised at home with other animals and children.
With the help of my husband Vinnie and my daughter Isabella we aim to produce some of the best F3, F4 and F5 kittens in the UK. I am a TICA member and fully registered as will all my little ones be.
Thanks for looking at my website and if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch – Sonia De Gioia
Is a savannaH CAt right for me?
Our Queens
Nala has definitely been one laid back and relaxed Mum and has produced some fine kittens for us.
Our Stud
Contact us
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07935 017673
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We are located in the heart of the countryside near Melton Mowbray – if you are travelling from London by train we can collect you from either Grantham or Loughborough train stations